MUA/P Advisory Group

The ACGME is pleased to announce the formation of an Advisory Group that will provide consultation concerning implementation of the ACGME’s framework for medically underserved areas/populations (MUA/P) and graduate medical education (GME).

The MUA/P Advisory Group will contribute to the development of:

  1. Organizational knowledge of issues related to GME and MUA/P
  2. Outreach efforts to designated institutional officials (DIOs), program directors, and others
  3. Educational opportunities to facilitate the development of GME

Call for Members

Review the following documents for more information:

Nomination Process

The ACGME is currently accepting nominations of individuals with expertise in GME, MUA/P, and/or health care policy/governance. Stakeholder types of interest include DIOs, program directors, senior clinical executive leaders, residents/fellows, and representatives of the public.

In convening this Advisory Group, the ACGME seeks representation from diverse perspectives, including a variety of medically underserved communities, such as rural, urban, tribal, and correctional settings. Candidates may be nominated by individuals or organizations as subject matter experts. Self-nominations are accepted.

Members will serve up to three-year initial terms with the option of renewing for an additional three-year term. Resident/fellow members will serve two-year terms.

Email complete nomination packets to by June 1, 2022.

Nominations of DIOs, program directors, or senior clinical executive leaders must include:

Public member nominations must include:

Resident/fellow nominations must include:

  • A letter of recommendation signed by the nominee’s program director and DIO of the Sponsoring Institution ensuring the resident/fellow will have sufficient time to participate in meetings and activities of the MUA/P Advisory Group as expected
  • Nominee’s up-to-date curriculum vitae
  • A one-page personal statement outlining the nominee’s educational goals, professional interests, and intent to serve if selected for membership on the MUA/P Advisory Group

Only complete nomination packets will be considered. Materials received after the deadline will not be considered.

All nominees will be notified following the selection process. This is currently expected to be completed in late summer.