Experienced Coordinators: Advancing, Collaborating, Innovating

This workshop is designed to expand the knowledge base of experienced coordinators and assist them in thinking outside the box when dealing with their job responsibilities.

Course Overview

This highly interactive workshop is for coordinators with more than three years of experience. Relevant topics will be presented in both didactic and experiential formats. The agenda includes topics relating to coordinator leadership, conflict management, dealing with problem residents, program innovation, professional development, and well-being. Speakers include current program coordinators, physicians, and representatives from ACGME leadership. Attendance is limited to 60 participants.

Target Audience

Experienced Coordinators

Comments from Previous Attendees

I am thankful that we had the opportunity to attend a conference that was meant for experienced coordinators, and that did not center around requirements or to-dos. It was more about work flow, working with other people (and techniques for doing so), and also how to protect ourselves from burnout.
The conference was relevant in purpose and touched upon many areas program coordinators/administrators have focused concerns. The presenters were accessible, approachable and knowledgeable in their area of review. Questions were raised and topics were addressed in a safe environment. Excellent and purposeful experience. I would highly recommend.
Networking between coordinators and finding best practices is always more valuable to me than any lectures. There are no other opportunities to discuss with other experienced coordinators from such a variety of locations and situations as this conference offered.

Upcoming Course Dates: No course dates are currently available.


E-mail any questions about this course to coordinatorworkshops@acgme.org

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